
Jul 17, 2021

From the desk of the Fairy Queen

There's no doubt in my mind that the first 32 pages of The Secret contain hints and references to help us along the way to solving the 12 puzzles. A great example of this is the "Fountain of Youth" getting called out on page 30. Many believe that a Fountain of Youth plays a significant role in the solution to the St. Augustine puzzle.

I want to explore a few quotes from the front of the book as they may relate to the San Francisco puzzle.

On page 12, we find a reference to the Dragon, which we also know is one of the Fair Folk from Cathay (the group associated with San Francisco):

Man, who with his weapons of forged iron had
lately murdered, just for sport, what was believed to
be the last, and irreplaceable, Dragon.

The phrase "weapons of forged iron" brings to mind swords. With that context, this quote is likely a reference to the well known story of St. George and the Dragon, a story that has been depicted in a number of famous works of art and literature. One of the most influential works is Edmund Spenser's poem The Faerie Queene, an Elizabethan-era poem set in a mythical place called "Faerieland". Book I concludes with the story of St. George slaying the Dragon that had laid waste to Eden.

Spenser, The Faerie Queene, and St. George all have ties to England, however, in the context of The Secret, the Dragon is connected to Cathay. It brings to mind the words on page 7, "From England to Cathay"...

Did Bryon intended for us to draw a connection between England and Cathay through the story of St. George and the Dragon? Or did he include a reference to it solely because it fits with The Secret's overarching theme of fairies and the preternatural?

If you ask me, I take it as confirmation for San Francisco's Chinatown.

San Francisco "Ride Muni" Map - 1979
