
Apr 12, 2021

With Great Appreciation and Admiration

Updated: Mar 15, 2022

All I could do was smile...There'd be tears in my eyes...

Years ago I reached out to Mark(Wilhouse) with a reinvigorated interest in looking at The Secret. Timing appeared to be ideal and Mark introduced me to you. A focused hunter who'd I was not familiar with and could add me into a small group of people discussing the puzzles. You informed me I would need to create a Facebook account and add you as a friend to get started. Skeptical as always, I proceeded to follow your lead and to my surprise the adventure resumed.

I had history with the puzzles and lots of ideas. However, I am not sure I had a great overall understanding. At some level, sure, but not in depth. The ideas I was hearing about were fresh. Some I agreed with while others I did not...yet, in some way they all provoked thought and helped my mindset progress. The passion was infectious. The brotherhood tight. There was an unspoken understanding and the dynamic of the interactions just plain worked. A true think tank whenever we communicated.

It wasn't always easy but no relationship is. There were ups and downs, private and public, which nobody but us will ever truly understand. We had a brief opportunity to discuss but that will never quite suffice.

To your life, a man of adventure...whose aim was bold and true. Whether near or far, your ballad kept me on the edge of my seat. Inspiring, always on repeat, anticipating it's next line. Thank you for allowing me the time in your life, providing me an opportunity to prelude your Tribute, and always shooting me straight. I hope you have now uncovered the answers to all the burning questions. I will continue searching, with you to motivate from a special place in my mind...

...Counting on you to shine...Though treasures feel torn, tangled, twisted and twined
