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With This Jewel, I Thee Wed

My lonely days are over...

In marriage, it's common tradition for a jeweled ring to represent the bond between a couple. In The Secret, we are instructed to Wed one picture with one verse. Per the Litany chapter, there is one thing for which Man shares the same passion as the Fair People: Jewels. So they hid them. The Vanishing goes on to explain, their precious jewels, would belong to Man if he could find them. In exchange...they would live and be seen among Man in peace.

Each picture/painting has a jewel(birth stone) which is clearly represented. These jewels extend to their coinciding birth flower and associated month, also represented in the paintings. These items are not concealed and allow us to define which painting is associated to which jewel and month. If we are to wed a painting with a verse, should we not be searching out these items in our twelve verses in order to establish that bond?

Warning, this is not a simple task but also not far-fetched if Man considers the jewels and month items in which they coincide to be so precious. Some jewels which are valued higher may be more difficult to find. I believe Byron expected us to be able to establish these pairings up front, to wed each picture with a verse. But how do we do this when we have so many answers to individual verse lines. We are already biased which makes it difficult to be objective. At some point in my work I noticed a pattern with each quote in the verses. Each can be associated to the month number: -The Wright Brothers monument quote- A reference to the FIRST flight.

-Melville quote- Pierre; or, The Ambiguities was Melville's SEVENTH book.

-Walpole's Letters to Mann - In the next AUGUSTAN era...

-Sarmiento Quote - Compares St. Charles Hotel to St. Peter's, one of the TWELVE apostles. March is easy. THREE Greeks called out in a single verse line. February speaks of the TWIN paradox. A distance in time and space. Einstein expands upon it in his theory of relativity. A very famous German for confirmation. Our jewels are called out in June, September, and October. Stone wall's door = the Pearly gates, Stars move by day ties to the obvious star sapphire, and white stone closest must be either pearl or opal, so... May has a wealth of fives with Lincoln on the five dollar bill Beethoven's famous Fifth Symphony, even Mozart's five violin concertos and of course MRL(emerald). So what about April? Is there something with Treasure Island or the Blyden quote? And November? The Dickens passage does speak of the hour and by process of elimination the only clock remaining points to eleven. Or did he get clever with Rhapsodic man's soil? Gershwin died on the eleventh of July. As previously stated, I understand this is not easy. Most of you missed out on the major breakthroughs to get us to the point we are with The Secret puzzles. They were not easy. Simple is an easy statement to make in hindsight. Are they simple? Do we really know Byron's methods and template? Do we actually believe we know how the three found casques' respective puzzles were intended to be solved end to end?

TBC... For you are mine at last... Music - Etta James - At Last

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